VOICES - Empowering women for equal participation and driving change

Description of the project

VOICES is a European (Erasmus+) project that aims to help bridging the gender divide and foster women’s participation in society, by providing women and professionals working with them with a set of gender-responsive educational resources, specifically designed to promote gender equality and equal participation in society.

Call Name

Erasmus+ Call 2021 Round 1 KA2

Project Number​



Partners (Country)

Start Date



24 Months

Aim of the Project

VOICES aims to build gender-responsive results to boost the understanding of gender roles and inequalities, encourage equal participation and contribute to close the gender gaps.

Project Activities

  • Development of competences roadmap and resources for Local Learning Network
  • Generation of Thematic MOOCs in line with the needs determined in the framework
  • Digital learning hub set up
  • Realization of 8 conferences in 7 different countries to reach out target users and beneficiaries

Web Sites

Training Platform

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