INTREP - Fostering social innovation and entrepreneurship in intercultural and interreligious contexts

Description of the project

INTREP will improve Adult Education systems by offering innovative approaches and contents to support Adult and community teachers and educators to promote social entrepreneurship and not-for-profit activities that will allow adult students from intercultural and interreligious communities to put ideas into practice, including through social enterprises, tackling challenges and identified problems in intercultural and interreligious contexts in their daily lives.

Call Name

Erasmus+ KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Project Number​



Partners (Country)

Start Date



24 Months

Aim of the Project

The AIM of INTREP project is to promote social inclusion and diversity as well as intercultural and inter-religious dialogue by supporting Adult and community teachers and educators to foster social innovation and entrepreneurship in intercultural and interreligious contexts through Adult Community Education (ACE).

Project Activities

  • Training curriculum
  • INTREP Learning Units
  • PR3 INTREP e-Learning Campus
  • INTREP Instructional Web App
  • PR5. Recommendations for skills validation, certification and accreditation on Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Intercultural and Interreligious contexts through ACE.

Web Sites

Training Platform

Social Media Accounts

Etkileşim: 35