BOOST - Global Competence For Advancing Social Inclusion and Career Path of Vulnerable Women

Description of the project

According to the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment global competence framework, global competence is a multi-dimensional construct that requires a combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values successfully applied to global issues or intercultural situations.


People able to mobilise their global competence live harmoniously in multicultural communities; thrive in a changing labour market; use media platforms effectively and responsibly; advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); pursuit lifelong learning and stay curious, open. With a focus on fostering global competences, BOOST – Global competence for advancing social inclusion and career path of vulnerable women, an ERASMUS+ project, targets women, currently facing vulnerability due to their migrant background and cultural differences. The project also addresses professionals that work to support these women, such as trainers, career counsellors, social workers, and intercultural mediators.

Call Name

Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education Call 2020

Project Number​



Partners (Country)

Start Date



24 Months

Aim of the Project

BOOST project aims to enhance the global competences for advancing social inclusion and career path of vulnerable women.

BOOST provides both target groups (1-vulnerable women / 2- professionals such as trainers, career counsellors, social workers, and intercultural mediators) with a MOOC offering a flexible learning path on global competencies. It will also equip the professionals with bespoke coaching tools to better support women, in vulnerable situations, in advancing their social inclusion and career path, by using global competence to cope with challenges they face every day.

Project Activities

  • BOOST Global Competence MOOC
  • BOOST Coaching Programme 
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